Mr. Rick Weinberg
Professional Development and Curriculum Coordinator,
Cattaraugus Allegany BOCES
United States
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Weinberg, Richard
Neamon, Brooke
Rick Weinberg is a creative and divergent thinker. He has presented at many local, state and national presentations since 2003. He is a past member of the NYSCATE board of directors, co-chair of New York State’ Model Schools and is an up-and-coming national presenter around the subjects of assistive technology, computer programming and making. He has presented recently at FETC and ISTE to rave reviews. He has published many national, state and local articles. Rick is featured in Invent to Learn: Making, Tinkering and Engineering in the classroom. A book that may have sparked the maker education movement. And in 2012, According to the website Best of DL, Rick Weinberg was named one of the top ten most influential mobile learning experts to watch. Recently, Rick was awarded the 2024 Denny Lowery Award at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford for his volunteer work and dedication to his alma mater.