January 11 - 14, 2026
Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL
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FETC 2026

Brandon Salley

Brandon Salley

Curriculum Development Specialist, CYBER.ORG
United States
Brandon Salley serves as a Cybersecurity Curriculum Specialist with CYBER.ORG. With a background in Biology and Chemistry, he has always had a passion for educating people of all ages in the STEM fields. Prior to being an educator, he served as a mentor for several local robotics teams, was a member of the team who hosted competitions, and developed competition challenges. In the classroom, he has taught Biology, Chemistry, Forensics, AP Computer Science, Cyber Literacy I & II, Cyber Society, and more. He went on to serve as the curriculum lead for his school. Regardless of the task, he strives to make learning engaging, hands-on, and fun and continues to do so for CYBER.ORG where he is part of the curriculum team as well as part of the CYBER.ORG Range and CTF crews.



The Expo Hall offers a one-stop exploration of hundreds of vendors offering what’s new, and what’s next, in education technology to help you enhance teaching, streamline administration, and enrich the student experience.




Diamond Sponsor

  Lenovo - Diamond Sponsor  





Platinum Sponsors

6th Brigade logo

Canva GoGuardian Logo
Nomadix Prodigy Promethean
  Varsity Tutors  



Gold Sponsors

CDW Education
