Table 21 -Using Sustainable Development Goals, Design Thinking, and Technology to Impact Our Community
January 14, 2025
Classroom Leaders
In alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this session will highlight an innovative approach that leverages design thinking, Ciena Solutions teacher resources, and advanced technologies such as micro:bit, 3D printing, and laser cutting to empower students to address real-world challenges and contribute to a sustainable future. This session will integrate the Ciena Solutions Challenge teacher resources, which provide examples of action pathways to guide students in creating and applying digital solutions to achieve a positive impact. Educators will be encouraged to use the resources creatively, fostering original and innovative use of technology that strategically integrates digital tools as part of students' action concepts that emphasize the importance of personalized learning experiences, enabling students to connect with their learning in authentic and personal ways. I will be sharing my experiences and insights gained from participating in the Ciena Solutions Challenge and fostering a collaborative and empowering environment for student-led projects.
Session or All-Access Registrations Required
Session Type
Mobile Mega Share
MakerEd (3D Printing/Robotics/etc)
Curriculum Area