You are the Master of Your Path: Personalized Professional Development
January 15, 2025
District Leaders
Teachers want choice too! Just like our students, there should not be a “one size fits all” for adults. Adult learners require different strategies/opportunities to hone their crafts and grow their skills. We have “the good, bad and ugly” of what has worked and what has not. Join our team to learn successful strategies of providing professional learning. How have we planned full days of district professional learning without breaking the bank, losing focus of the goals, and keeping individuals engaged? What did we need to build into the day? What outdated thoughts did we need to let go? Laugh and/or celebrate with us as we share what we have learned and what is working. Leave with ideas/strategies to use in your school/district plus how to plan for the time allotted. Our ideas work for a full day, full district event, or even a single grade level for an hour.
Session or All-Access Registrations Required
Session Type
Concurrent Session (45 minutes)
Professional Development
Curriculum Area
Professional Development
Future Ready