Grants, Grants, Grants Galore! How to get that Technology Grant and more!
January 15, 2025
School Leaders
This session will explore opportunities for finding, building, and executing grants to fund and support much needed learning opportunities and outcomes in school districts and classrooms across the nation. Participants will learn how to apply for grants, such as STEM/STEAM grants, how to build on those grants to include industry partnerships, and how to measure overall learning gains through informal study techniques. A real example of a mega STEM grant (Governor's Summer Merit Program: Innovation Collaboration) gifted by the state of Texas will be shared including the entire process from beginning to end, programming plans, reported learning experiences from high school students using technology integration such as VR, circuits, robotics, and how to build programming around achieving particular learning outcomes or objectives. School districts and educators will not want to miss this opportunity to learn; grants are available from local area banks all the way to the U.S. Department of Education!
Session Type
Concurrent Session (45 minutes)
Learning Space Design
Curriculum Area